Interesting planters for your garden
Interesting planters for your garden
Having a garden once meant
large open spaces in the front or backyard of bungalows, or on
terraces of independent row houses. However, now, with apartments being
the order of the day, gardens are restricted to balconies,
corners and shelves inside apartments. Bonsai may seem an ideal option,
but it's no fun to restrict anything living, including plants. There's
no need to be discouraged though as we give you simple ideas that you
could use to make your little space green in a creative manner.
Today, with consumerism on the rise, tin containers have made their
way into homes,b ei ti nt hef ormo ft eac onta iners or aerated drink
cans. However, once empty, d espiteb ei ngs turdy, th ese canse n du
pi nt het ras h.I nsteado f throwing these away, you could use them in
your garden. Use a blade to cut thet opo ff fore asyp lanting. Then, paint the can in colours of your choice. Once the paintd ries,y ouc anp
lanth erbs such as pa rsley, basil ,r osemarya nd mint, among others,
and probably even paint the name of the herb on the can.
No matter how much you try,i tis almost impossible to avoid
accumulating bottles. A nice way to put them to use is by turning them
into pots .While wide-mouthed glass bottles make for pretty plant
holders, plastic ones are equally good. Place the plastic bottle
horizontally and cut out a small rectangular area to allow your plant to
grow.Tie the ends of your bottle with a rope and hang it from the
balcony.You could also sliceits base, hang them upside down and use them
as pots .
If you want to be a little more creative, use a no ldc artyrea sap
ot.If you dont like the black rubber conatiner in your garden, just pa intt he tyret om akei tl ooks prigh tlya n d colourful.
Yo uc oulde ithe rp lac et he tyref lato nt heg roundo v erab ase
ofy our choice, or hang it off the
roof.I fy oup lacei th orizontally,t he
tyre can accommodate either many little plants or a big one. However,
ify ouc hooset ohangi to nthew allo roff theroof,o nlyap ortionoft he
tyrew ills erveast hep ot.Inc aseyouw isht ohangit,o ptforf lowering
plants ora sparagus ferns.
MUGS Have too many mugs and cups a t home and are clueless about
what to do with them? Just use them as pots for your plants. Since mugs,
simply put, are smaller containers, you can plant different kinds of
cactiin them. This way, they will be easy to maintain and can be kept
indoors. And if you are struggling with an abundance of small
er tea cups, you could use them as pots too. Plant herbs in them and
place them on your kitchen window sill. This way, you could use
home-grown herbs in your food preparations .
Shoe boxes, takeaway boxes, jute boxes, chocolate tin boxes and gift
boxes are generally available at home.Use these as pots and place them
your balcony.You could paint them in the colours of your choice to
ensure that they fit your garden ambience. Since most of the other
containers are bests uitedf orl eafyplants, you could use boxes for
flowering ones. The drawback, though, is that boxes are best utilized
when they are kept in balconies. They don t look good indoors.
WOKS AND BOWLS Most kitchenware is sui , table to
pot plants however, the-best looking container among them has to be the
wok. You could use your old woks as pots and hang them in your balcony.W
oks have handles, which allows you to tie a rope on either side.This
way, you can hang them easily on a railing or hook. You could also turn
your larger woks into fish bowls and grow water-friendly plants, such as
money plant.
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