Friday, February 6, 2015

Celebrate a week of love

Celebrate a week of love

Why limit celebrating love to just one day when you can do so for a whole week? February 14, Valentine's Day , might be the day when lovers take the time out to do something nice for their special ones, but mind you that some of the special things can start from tomorrow itself ! Yes, that's right.
Rose Day on February 7 kicks off the week of love that culminates on the 14th as Valentine's Day . Here is your seven day guide for the `love week'.

ROSE DAY February 7
Surprise your lover with a bunch of roses on this day and see your excitement soar as she gets all mushy.This is the day when you can give a rose to the one you likelove and no one will question your intentions! Not just for school or college students, even elders can express their fondness this Rose Day!

PROPOSE DAY February 8
The second day in the Valentine's week is when people propose to their boyfriends or girlfriends.Celebrated on February 8 every year, this day surely sees a lot of couples hooking up. This day also makes sure that you have a real date on Valentine's Day!

After giving the rose and proposing to the person you like, impress him or her with a box of chocolates on Chocolate Day. Chocolate has always been instrumental in impressing lovers and it is the one gift that people can't go wrong with. So, make the most of this day.
TEDDY DAY February 10
For the ones in love who like to do all things mushy, Teddy Day is not to be missed. Your girlfriend is sure to like a soft huggable teddy from you that she can hug to sleep at night. Though clichéd, it is true that for years now, lovers have been gifting teddies to each other. Thanks to them, the sales figures have never gone down!

PROMISE DAY February 11
The fifth day of the Valentine's Week is quite a significant one for those who believe in keeping promises. On this day, promise things to your loved ones that you mean to keep. You can make every wrong, right, this Promise Day.

KISS DAY February 12
Seal your promise with a kiss! Yes, that is what is celebrated on February 12. On Kiss Day, make your kiss special, make it count! Lovers across the world celebrate this day and at some places, they even gather at a particular spot in hordes to do so.

HUG DAY February 13
Nothing can make you feel better than a warm, tight hug. Take some time out to share a hug with your loved one and assure them that life is good and love prevails.

The seventh and final day in the Valentine's Week is Valentine's Day, when young couples dress up and head together to spend a lovely time with each other. Ah well, not just that, but this is also the day that you can buy expensive gifts for your lover.Whatever way you celebrate, the spirit remains the same -to celebrate love with your partner!

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