Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 25, 2023

What is the dollar of the 4 pillars of education?

 The dollar of the 4 pillars of education is the idea that all four pillars are equally important and that they should be given equal attention in educational systems. The four pillars are:

  • Learning to know - acquiring knowledge and skills
  • Learning to do - applying knowledge and skills to solve problems and complete tasks
  • Learning to live together - developing the skills and attitudes necessary to live and work harmoniously with others
  • Learning to be - developing one's personality, talents, and abilities

Here is a metaphor to illustrate the dollar of the 4 pillars of education:

Imagine that education is a four-legged table. Each leg represents one of the four pillars. If any one leg is shorter than the others, the table will be wobbly and unstable. In the same way, if any one of the four pillars of education is neglected, the student's education will be incomplete and unbalanced.

The dollar of the 4 pillars of education is a reminder to educators and policymakers that all four pillars are essential for a successful education. By giving equal attention to all four pillars, we can create a more well-rounded and equitable education for all students.

The dollar of the 4 pillars of education is important because it emphasizes the need for a well-rounded education that prepares students for success in all areas of their lives. Not only should students learn knowledge and skills, but they should also learn how to apply them in the real world, how to live and work with others, and how to develop their full potential as individuals.

October 25, 2023

15 ऑगस्ट 1947 निबंध मराठी


15 ऑगस्ट निबंध

15 ऑगस्ट स्वातंत्र्य दिन

15 ऑगस्ट भाषण मराठी pdf

15 ऑगस्ट भाषण मराठी 2023

स्वातंत्र्य दिन निबंध

15 ऑगस्ट 1947 आली भारताला स्वातंत्र्य मिळाल्यापासून आतापर्यंत क्रमवारीनुसार

15 ऑगस्ट माहिती

Thursday, October 19, 2023

October 19, 2023

8 Hindu Girl Names Starting With 'F' with meaning


FalguniThe day of the full Moon in the Hindu month of Phaalgun which falls between February and March; Born in Falgun7
FreyalGoddess of beauty4
Freyaloved.aspx'>Beloved; Goddess of love; Noble; Lady1
FeralWild; Untamable6
October 19, 2023

24 Hindu Girl Names Starting With 'E' with meaning


EashtaBeloved; Another name of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi and a name given to Karmic Yoga9
EdhaSacred; Wealth; Strength; Happiness9
EeshaDesire; Attractive2
EeshaniConsort of Lord Shiva, Close to God; Name of Goddess Durga, Goddess Parvati; Ruling; Owning7
EeshikaAn arrow; Dart; One who achieves; Paint brush; Daughter of God4
EeshtaBeloved; Another name of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi and a name given to Karmic Yoga22
EishaDesire; Attractive6
EkanshiPart of body4
EktaUnity; Harmony1
ElishaAbbreviation of Elisabeth9
EniyaWell born; Noble9
ErumDaughter-in-law of Aditi3
EshaDesire; Attractive6
EshalFlower of Jannat paradise9
EshanaWant; Wish; Desire; Aim; Impulse3
EshaniConsort of Lord Shiva, Close to God; Name of Goddess Durga, Goddess Parvati11
EshankaGoddess Parvati, Parvati - Consort of Shiva5
EshanyaEast; Northeast1
EshikaAn arrow; Dart; One who achieves; Paintbrush; Daughter of God8
EshitaOne who desires; Desired; One who seeks; Desirous8
EsitaOne who desires; Desired; One who seeks; Desirous9

October 19, 2023

63 Hindu Girl Names Starting With 'D'


DakshinaA donation to God or priest; Competent; Talented; With a southern orientation4
DurvaA medicinal herb; Sacred grass3
DipA lamp; Brilliance; Beautiful; Light2
DhrumiA tree1
DevaartiAarti of God8
DishtiAlways happy; Command; Direction; Destiny; An auspicious event; Happiness6
DityaaAnswer of prayers; Another name for Lakshmi6
DwijaAs a Goddess Lakshmi2
DevinaBlessing; Eye of God; Resembling a Goddess; Blessing1
DarshiBlessings; Lord Krishna; Moonlight5
DivijaBorn in heaven; Divine1
DeveshiChief among the Goddess, Goddess Durga9
DevishiChief among the Goddess, Goddess Durga4
DeepaliCollection of lamps; Row of lamps7
DritiCourage; Morale; Steadiness; Command; Pleasure; Determination; Patience; Virtue6
DrisnaDaughter of the Sun11
DhriyaDestroyer of poverty; Patience11
DimpiDetermined and stubborn6
DitviDivine good1
DivyaDivine luster; Charming; Beautiful; Divine7
DivitaDivine power11
DevanshiDivine; Part of God1
DwitiDual; Second11
DhruvikaFirmly fixed4
DeepshikaFlame; Lamp6
DeepshikhaFlame; Lamp5
DishitaFocused; Once who knows the direction7
DivaGift of God; Powerful women; Through heaven; Daytime9
DeeptaGoddess Lakshmi; Name of several plants with bright red flowers; Shining6
DitiIdea; Splendor; Radiance; Brilliance; Beauty6
DipalLight; Charm full girl6
DhrishaMountain Lord4
DhvaniNoise; Sound4
DheeraviOne who is courageous9
DaiviPious soule9
DishaniQueen of all four directions - East, West, North, South1
DharaRain; Constant flow; One who holds; One who sustains; The Earth; Gold5
DivashiniShine among all5
DevaniShining; Goddess1
DeenalSweet girl;5
DinalSweet girl;22
DarshiniThe one who blessed; Beautiful; Another name for Goddess Durga1
DhruvaThe polar star; Constant; Faithful; Firm11
DhwaniVoice; Sound5
DishariWho shows way5