Monday, September 30, 2019

September 30, 2019

How to know where the treasure is buried?

How to know where the treasure is buried?

It was common for ancient people to have three to four kilos of gold loaded on their bodies. Gold currencies used to move and people wore gold crowns. Tons of gold were kept in temples. Gold chariots were made and the ancient King-Maharaja was loaded with gold jewelery. Despite the loot of hundreds of years, gold, silver, jewelry, guinea, etc. can be buried with tons in India even today. Today, we know how to know where the treasure is buried and whether you will get it or not?

According to Kautuk Chintamani, Ravana Samhita and Varaha Samhita, there may be buried money in the following situations.

* If the land around which there is no water source, even if the land looks moist and at the same time a sign of the presence of a black snake is visible, then know for sure that there will be buried wealth.

* Where the soil has a lotus flower-like aroma. There may be hidden wealth there.

* It is also said that eagle, crow, heron or many other birds sit in abundance at some place and there is a strong possibility of wealth.

* It is also said that if there are many trees in one place, but in them also there are birds sitting in one place and that too, if an eagle and a pigeon are sitting together, then there is definitely a hidden money in the land at that place. it happens.

* Where the grass does not grow in the watery area when it rains but the grass grows in the sun during the summer season, there is a possibility of property inside the ground.

* Where there is a snake, mongoose or chameleon or they have bills, there is also a possibility of being buried.

* Similarly, where the plants are higher than the natural height, there is also a possibility of getting rich property.

Luck's Money: Luck's money or buried treasure is only found by someone who is beyond deceit or whose ancestors have left the treasure for him. Even if you know that there is a treasure under so much land, you cannot achieve it unless your mind is pure and your purpose is right. There is also the worship method to remove the said treasure.

It is said that if the money written in your destiny is written then it will be anywhere, then it will come to you by itself or you will go to it unknowingly. Therefore, it is important to know that a person who has gone out in search of treasure may not have treasure in his destiny?

If you see a lotus flower in your dream or if you see yourself eating on a lotus leaf, then this is also a sign that you may get some rich money from somewhere in the future.

It is said that a mantra of Mother for obtaining secret wealth ॐ Hr Padmavati Devi Trailokyavarta Kathay Kathai Hr Swaha. Chant a mantra daily before sleeping at night. After a few days you will get information about where the buried money is.

According to Ravana Samhita, through dreams, omen and phonology one gets the indication that one can get a silver pot or treasure filled with gold ornaments. It is said that some people often see white snakes or burning lamps in their dreams. This means that the treasure has been buried for them, indicating that.

According to Ravana and Varaha Samhita, if you have written a fortune in your fortune then you will dream. In this dream, the white serpent will appear in the place where the money is buried. There is a possibility that your fathers have appeared in the form of white snake and have given the address of the place where they have buried money for you. These white serpent rulers keep protecting that treasure.

Even if you see things like an old temple, a box full of jewelery, a conch and an urn, in your dream, then understand that there is a chance of suddenly getting ancestral property from somewhere in your destiny.

If one dreams that he is being prosecuted for a legal case in which he has been acquitted, he gets the wealth of wealth.

Cutting the road or seeing a mongoose while going somewhere is auspicious sign. Looking mongoose is a sign of money gain. If you have risen to sleep and at the same time you see the weasel then there is a possibility of getting secret money.

In the birth chart of a person, if the moon is located in the zodiac in the lord of the planet Jupiter, then such a person gets a lot of money.

If the owner of the eighth house is of high status and is under the influence of Dhanesh and Baneesh, then the person definitely gains money suddenly. In the past, this yoga was considered to be important for getting wealth. The specialty of this yoga is that it is received suddenly.

The brain line is in the correct position ie it is not broken or cut. Also, a branch of the fate line originates from the lifeline. If the palms are pink and fleshy, then there is the possibility of having wealth in crores.

On the basis of dreams or other signs, if you come to know the place of buried wealth, then for this you will have to first know whether there is really a lot of money where you are looking at the possibility of buried money or not. For this, you should burn a lamp of pure ghee with a clove for 40 days at a place where you are anticipating money. Within 40 days, you will get signs in your dream that you have to dig that place or not?

The second way is to place a wooden outpost in a place likely to be rich. Place a betel nut or betel leaf on it and place a betel nut on it. Then light ghee lamp by placing turmeric, kunkum, akshat and betel nut. Do this for 40 days. Later, while immersing all the leaves and betel nuts, pray that some unknown power gives you a sign of buried wealth. If there is wealth in that place then you will get a hint in your dream or in some other way.

If you feel that money has been fabricated at some place and you want to get that money then there is a mantra for it 'Mantra: Un namo vighnavinashaya nidhi darshan kuru kuru swaha.' After duly chanting it ten thousand times, the purification of the said land is done with some knowledge and all kinds of calamity are removed from there. But if the information is not correct, then it also has to suffer.

It is believed that most of the money stored intentionally hidden is tied to mantras. To get such wealth, that treasure can be found only by knowing the above mantras from a knowledgeable person. It is said that the protector of some such bond can be any ghost or ghost. The owner of the treasury, after burying it in the ground with a knowledgeable person, used to set up a 'Nag ki chowki' or 'ghost post' by tantra-mantra around that land. However, obtaining such money is dangerous.

कैसे जानें की खजाना कहाँ गड़ा हुआ है?

प्राचीनकाल के लोगों के शरीर पर तीन-चार किलो सोना लदा होना सामान्य बात थी। स्वर्ण मुद्राएं चलती थी और लोग सोने का मुकुट पहनते थे। मंदिरों में टनों सोना रखा रहता था। सोने के रथ बनाए जाते थे और प्राचीन राजा-महाराजा स्वर्ण आभूषणों से लदे रहते थे। सैंकड़ों वर्षों की लूट के बावजूद भारत में आज भी टनों से सोना, चांदी, जेवरात, गिन्नियां आदि गड़ा हो सकता है। आजो जानते हैं कि किस तरह जाना जा सकता है कि कहां खजाना गड़ा हुआ है और आपको वह मिलेगा या नहीं?

कौतुक चिंतामणी, रावण संहिता और वराह संहिता के अनुसार निम्नलिखित स्थित में गड़ा धन हो सकता है।

*जिस भूमि के आसपास जल स्रोत नहीं होने पर भी वह भूमि नम दिखाई दे और साथ ही आसपास किसी काले सर्प के होने की निशानी दिखाई दे तो निश्चित ही जान लो कि वहां पर गड़ा धन होगा।

*जहां की मिट्टी में कमल के फूल जैसी सुगंध आती है। वहां पर धन संपदा छिपी हो सकती है।

*ऐसा भी कहा जाता है कि किसी स्थान पर बाज, कौआ, बगुला या अन्य बहुत सारे पक्षी बहुतायत में बैठते हैं वहां भी धन संपदा के होने की संभावना प्रबल रहती है।

*ऐसा भी कहते हैं कि यदि किसी एक ही जगह पर बहुत सारे पेड़ हों, लेकिन उनमें भी किसी एक ही जगह पर पक्षी बैठता हों और वह भी यदि कोई बाज और कबूतर एक साथ बैठे हो तो उस जगह पर निश्चित ही भूमि में धन छिपा होता है।

*जहां बारिश होने पर पानी वाली जगह पर घास न उगती हो लेकिन गर्मी के मौसम में धूप में भी घास उगती हो वहां ज़मीन के अंदर संपत्ति की संभावना।

*जहां सांप, नेवले या गिरगट निकलते हों या उनके बिल हों वहां भी गड़ा धन होने की संभावना बतायी जाती है।

*इसी तरह जहां पौधे प्राकृतिक कद से ऊंचे हों वहां भी गड़ी संपत्ति मिलने की संभावना रहती है।

किस्मत का धन : किस्मत का धन या गड़ा खजाना सिर्फ उसे ही मिलता है जो छल कपट से परे है या जिसके पूर्वज उसके लिए खजाना छोड़कर गए हैं। यदि आपको यह पता चले कि अमुक भूमि के नीचे खजाना है तो भी आप उसे हासिल नहीं कर सकते जब तक की आपका मन निर्मल और आपका उद्येश्य सही नहीं है। उक्त खजाने को निकालने की पूजा विधि भी होती है।

कहते हैं कि यदि आपकी किस्मत में गड़ा हुआ धन लिखा है तो वह कहीं पर भी होगा तो खुद ब खुद चलकर आपके पास तक आ जाएगा या आप अनजाने में ही उसके पास चलें जाएंगे। अत: यह जानना जरूरी है कि जो व्यक्ति खजाने की खोज में निकला है हो सकता है कि उसकी किस्मत में खजाना न हो?

अगर आपको सपने में कमल का फूल दिखे या आप कमल के पत्ते पर स्वयं को भोजन करते देखें तो ये भी इस बात का संकेत है कि आपको भविष्य में कहीं से गड़ा धन मिल सकता है।

कहते हैं कि गुप्त धन प्राप्ति के लिए माता का एक मंत्र ॐ ह्रीं पद्मावति देवी त्रैलोक्यवार्ता कथय कथय ह्रीं स्वाहा।। इस मंत्र को रात्रि में सोने से पूर्व एक माला रोज जपे। कुछ दिनों बाद गड़ा धन कहां है इसकी आपको स्वप्न में जानकारी मिल जाएगी।

रावण संहिता के अनुसार सपने, शगुन और स्वर विज्ञान के माध्यम से व्यक्ति को यह संकेत मिल जाते हैं कि उसे सोने के जेवहरातों से भरा चांदी का घड़ा या खजाना मिल सकता है। कहते हैं कि कुछ लोगों को सपने में अक्सर सफेद सांप या जलता हुआ दीपक दिखाई देता है। इसका मतलब यह कि उनके लिए को खजाना गाड़ कर गया है, जो संकेत दे रहा है।

रावण और वाराह संहिता के अनुसार अगर आपके भाग्य में गड़ा धन मिलना लिखा है तो आपको सपना आएगा। इस सपने में जिस स्थान पर धन गड़ा हुआ है वहां सफेद नाग दिखाई देगा। ऐसी संभावना होती है कि आपके पितरों ने सफेद नाग के रुप में दर्शन देकर उस जगह का पता बताया है जहां उन्होने आपके लिए धन गाड़ कर रखा होगा। ये सफेद नाग रुपी पितर उस खजाने की रक्षा करते रहते हैं।

सपने में अगर आपको पुराना मंदिर, आभूषण से भरा बॉक्स, शंख और कलश जैसी चीजें दिखें तब भी समझें कि आपके भाग्य में अचानक कहीं से पैतृक संपत्ति मिलने के योग हैं।

यदि कोई सपने में देखे कि उस पर कानूनी मुकदमा चलाया जा रहा है, जिसमें वह निर्दोष छूट गया है, तो उसे अतुल धन संपदा की प्राप्ति होती है।

कहीं जाते समय नेवले द्वारा रास्ता काटना या नेवले का दिखना शुभ संकेत होता है। नेवला दिखना धन लाभ का संकेत होता है। आप सोकर उठे हों और उसी समय नेवला आपको दिख जाए तो गुप्त धन मिलने की संभावना रहती है।

किसी जातक की जन्म कुण्डली में यदि चन्द्रमा ग्रह बृहस्पति के स्वामी भाव में युग्म में स्थित हो तो ऐसे जातक को गडे हुए धन की प्राप्ति होती है।

यदि अष्टम भाव का मालिक उच्च का हों तथा धनेश व लाभेश के प्रभाव में हों तो व्यक्ति को निश्चित रूप में अचानक धन लाभ होता हैं। पूर्व समय में इस योग को गढेे धन प्राप्‍ति के लिये अहम माना जाता था। इस योग की खासियत होती हैं कि ये अचानक प्राप्त होता है।

मस्तिष्क रेखा सही स्थिति में हो यानी कि टूटी या कटी हुई नहीं हो। साथ ही भाग्य रेखा की एक शाखा जीवन रेखा से निकलती हो। हथेलियां गुलाबी व मांसल हो तो करोड़ों में संपदा होने का योग बनता है।

सपनों या दूसरे चिन्हों के आधार पर आपको गड़े धन वाले स्थान का पता चल जाए तो इसके लिए आपको पहले पता करना होगा कि क्या वाकई जहां आप गड़े धन की संभावना देख रहे हैं, वहां गड़ा धन है भी या नहीं? इसके लिए आपको धन का अंदेशा होने वाले स्थान पर 40 दिन तक शु्द्ध घी का दीप एक लौंग के साथ जलाना चाहिए। 40 दिन के अंदर ही आपको सपने में इस बात के संकेत मिल जाएंगे कि आपको उस स्थान की खुदाई करनी है या नहीं?

Monday, September 23, 2019

September 23, 2019

How chasing butterflies became a weekend hobby

From breakfasts with butterflies to curated walks, people are developing a new interest in these brightly coloured beauties

Anil Kapur is in the shipping business. But in his free time, he chases butterflies at Asola, armed with a book and camera. “They have such bewitching colours that can transform any place,” says Kapur who engaged the community in his Mandakini Enclave neighbourhood in south Delhi to convert a local dumping ground into a butterfly park. “We planted 700 plants in the park in August and now I can already identify 12 different species of butterflies,” says Kapur.

Kapur isn’t the only one showing a renewed interest in the bright winged species that are under threat from rapid urbanisation, increasing temperatures and our fondness for manicured lawns over messy foliage.

Rewild Life Biodiversity Farms, situated just two kilometres off the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway in NCR, has a natural wild appeal that is ideal for butterflies. Spread over 17-acres, it is home to 18 different species of butterflies that attract students from nearby schools and nature lovers during weekends.

It’s quite a sight to spot hordes of plain tigers come fluttering out from flower beds, creating a sort of butterfly rush hour that you walk through. At a short distance is a ‘butterfly pit’ filled with cosmos flowers. Standing atop, all one can see is a cloud of brightly hued butterflies hovering over bright, orange flowers.

“The visual impact of butterflies fluttering around is very calming, like meditation,” says Aamir Ahmed, an ‘environmentalist by experience’, who started the farm two years ago along with a partner. On the outskirts of Thane, Rajendra Ovalekar has turned his farm into a butterfly garden. On Sundays, the naturalist takes visitors around to explain the life cycle of the insects and introduce them to some of the 70 species found there.

A 2015 census revealed that India has 1,500 species of butterflies. But it’s only in the last few years that butterfly farms and gardens are being set up and workshops organised to educate people about the species. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi released a bag of butterflies in Gujarat on his 69th birthday recently.

In Delhi, Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary is observing September as ‘Delhi Butterfly Month’ and organising a range of activities. Sohail Madan of Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) at Asola says 200 people turned up for the ‘breakfast with butterflies’ on September 8. “Public interest has gone up, and the number of people working with butterflies has also increased,” says Madan, who has been organising butterfly counts in Delhi since 2017 in collaboration with the government. Last week, the Madras Naturalists’ Society organised a butterfly walk at a restored wetland now lush with common jays and grass yellows.

Why are people suddenly interested in butterflies? There’s been a growing concern in the past few years over diminishing insect populations. And that they are pretty also helps. Butterflies easily score over other bugs like moths and earthworms in attracting people to their cause. “Butterflies are the tigers of the insect world,” says Arundhati Mhatre who has set up a butterfly habitat on her tiny seventh floor balcony located in Lower Parel, south Mumbai, and helps others do the same. “Butterflies need nectar plants to feed on and host plants to lay eggs on. So, if you put both these in any place, butterflies will come. A friend of mine put up lemon plants, a butterfly host, on her 15th-floor balcony. We were sceptical if they would come at such a height, but they did. They are the best botanists and know more about plants than us,” says Mhatre, who left her full-time engineering job to become a nature educator at a school.

For 25-year-old Chennai-based techie Sharan V, “butterflies are life”. “I started observing and counting butterflies four years ago, and my friends and I have documented more than 200 species in Rajapalayam, my hometown. I have also participated in forest department surveys and butterfly walks conducted across Tamil Nadu and Kerala,” he says.

Savita Bharti, another enthusiast from Lohegaon in Pune, got interested in 2014 when she was fiddling with her new DSLR camera. “I shot a butterfly that was sitting on a pumpkin plant. It had white wings, and as it opened them, they had crimson edges. I later found out it was the crimson tip. This kindled my interest in butterflies,” says the 40-year-old. Last year, Bharti started a WhatsApp group called Pune Butterfly Group with around 60 members where they share info and photographs. “We also started a butterfly count this month and want to document Pune’s diversity.”